6 Tips for Making Time with Jesus in a Busy Home

My toddler never stops moving, I am up with a baby at night, and I never have any time,  and the list could continue. These sound like excuses, and although they may be, they are also the reality of the season of life with kids in the home. Although I’m a big believer in a person needing that vital connection and time with Jesus in all seasons, it is essential when having kids in your home. During this season, we need that extra energy, patience, and wisdom that only the Lord can provide. If you’re reading this, you probably agree but may also think practically, how do I do that? Here are six tips for staying connected and making time with Jesus during the busy season of kids in the home: 

  1. Play worship music: Playing worship music in your home, car, or office is a great and easy way to include time with Jesus in your day. It allows you to multitask and is good for your kids to hear worship and Scripture. This works great to listen to teachings this way as well. If you only implement this tip, you will see a shift in your home. 
  2. Have an Easy go-to Devotional Picked Out: Often, as parents, we have short spurts of time to work with, so having something preselected will save time from deciding where to read from and increases the likelihood that you will actually participate in the study. This could be a devotional book. Another great option is the YouVersion Bible app, which has plans that are anywhere from 3 days to 365 days of short devotions and Scriptures. 
  3. Keep your phone out of reach: I know I just recommended an app I like to use, but I try not to spend all my time with the Lord on my phone. My biggest reason is all the distractions. On a good day, I still get distracted by my texts, emails, and social media. When I am tired, which can be many days in seasons with littles, I find myself even more distracted as my brain looks for a way to zone out and scroll.  
  4. Memorize Scriptures: Memorizing Scriptures that are timely to your season is a powerful way to keep connected to the Lord throughout the day and to strengthen your faith. I can write down the Scripture and post it in a few places in my home and car to practice and establish it in memory. Each verse I memorize, I then can use as a weapon when circumstances come to steal my joy and peace. 
  5. Pray as You Go: The Bible says to pray without ceasing. This doesn’t mean quitting your job and neglecting your family to sit in a room and pray 24/7. So, what does this look like? I believe it means to pray as you go. Continue your conversation and intercession with the Lord all day long, whether at the office, walking between meetings, or in the bathroom at home. Start a habit of praying in the shower, in the car, and while you wash the dishes. Pray for your kids, your family, your neighbor, and the purpose He has for each person in your life. When you see the value in continuous little prayers, there isn’t the pressure to find a long stint before you start praying.
  6. Make it a priority: Ultimately, all the tips in the world won’t help if you don’t intentionally choose to make it a priority. It is challenging and can look different in certain seasons of life, such as with little kids, but we must decide if it is important enough to us. We still eat daily, pay our bills, and stay connected to loved ones. Why? Because no matter the limit in time, we make time for the things we find important!

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